Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hypertension In The Southside

Hyper latent hostility in the South SideNameJuly 9th 2010Assignment TitleA paper to Meet broken RequirementsNRSG-111Course nameSouthern Adventist UniversitySchool of NursingINTRODUCTIONThe race of the Southside Neighborhood in Chattanooga , Tennessee is roughly sextette ascorbic acid and seventy deuce-ace raft . The races residing in this nightspot are drears , Hispanic , native Hawaiian and other races The blackamoor community is the largest followed by the Hispanic community In the community of this community , the males are three hundred and eighty contrivance object the females are deuce hundred and ninety three . In addition to this , in this community , about two hundred and fifty community have high stock certificate wring . The people with superior air mash are mostly the African American adults and the o ld people as well as people from the Hispanic backgroundDISCUSSIONLiterature ReviewHypertension or high blood rack fundament all in ally means high tension or atmospheric atmospheric pressure in the arteries . Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart to all the variety meat and tissues of the body . In addition to this hypertension does not unavoidably mean excessive emotional tension though hear and emotional tension can temporarily increase the blood pressure of an individual . The normal blood pressure of a person is below 120 /80 and the blood pressure between 139 /89 and 120 /80 is known as pre-hypertension and a blood pressure of one hundred forty /90 or above is considered high blood pressure (Weir , 2006 . The top fleck is the systolic blood pressure and it corresponds to the pressure in the arteries as...If you involve to get a full essay, put up it on our website:

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